Pulviscoli eraclitei


giulio frigo


This is one of the results of long process (and friendship) started in the 20017 with Giulio. Puliviscoli eraclitei are a part of his opera "Presentatori di presenza", a multilayered painting that moves beyond the pictorial to enter the impalpable dimension of the hologram, pushing itself into the sphere of information.

“The pixels of the hologram represent a series of figures of flux, which I have called Pulviscoli Eraclitei in order to contrast them with the Platonic Solids… I am interested in blurring the borders between things, and, consequently, between the concepts we use to divide up the world and ideas.” – G.F.

I had the task to find a way to convey this sense of lightness and ethereality and to condense it in 4 tangible animations that could be displayed in front of the opera.


Technical support, Visualization


Artist /
Curator /
Foto /